======HOW TO UPGRADE THE SUPERSTACK II REMOTE ACCESS SYSTEM 1500====== **Goal:** * SuperStack II Remote Access System 1500 - How to upgrade the SuperStack II Remote Access System 1500. **Fact:** * Search group - SuperStack II Remote Access * To upgrade the unit, follow the steps below. =====Have the RAS1500 prompt.===== **1.** Connect the provided serial cable to the RAS 1500 console port and your PC s serial port. **2.** At the Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT desktop, click Start, then Programs, then Accessories, then HyperTerminal, then Hypertrm.exe. HyperTerminal. Starts and displays the Connection Description dialog box. **3.** Type a name and select an icon for your connection. **4.** Click "OK". The Connect To dialog box appears. **5.** From the Connect Using drop-down list, select the communications port from which you are connected to the RAS 1500. For example, COM1. **6.** Click "OK". The Properties dialog box for the port you selected appears. **7.** Make sure the Port Setting tab displays these options: * Bits per second: 38400 * Data bits: 8 * Parity: None * Stop bits: 1 * Flow control: Hardware **8.** Click "OK". **9.** Press Enter. A RAS 1500 prompt appears. **10.** Copy the rasboot.dmf and ras1500.dmf on your handwrite. **11.** Type reboot, and answer Yes when needed. **12.** Press when "Initializing" appears on the RAS1500 console. This will bypass diagnostics. **13.** Type: "AT{Z} when the SDL2 menu appears **14.** Now upload the file "rasboot.dmf" with the zmodem protocol. **15.** When this is finished a message will appear like Downloading successful with the filename, and the unit will come with the SDL2 menu again. **16.** Type again "AT{Z}" and now upload the other file "ras1500.dmf" **17.** When finished the same message will appear Downloading successful etc. **18.** The unit will automatically boot completely up, but a message will appear as "Flash compaction started, file system access suspended." followed with dots. **19.** Wait until "Flash Compaction: Finished." appears, and then press enter. **20.** The unit is now upgraded to the latest version. ----------------------- --- //[[nce@itclatam.com|David Gonzalez]] 2021/04/09 14:44//