======ALLOW CONTROL OF FIREWALL X5 ONLY THROUGH SERIAL PORT====== **Symptoms:** How to allow control of the X5 Firewall only through the serial port * How to disable http access to the Firewall * How to disable https access to the Firewall * How to disable ssh access to the Firewall * How to disable telnet access to the Firewall * How to disable sms access to the Firewall **Facts:** * 3CRTPX5-U-96 * 3CRTPX5-96 * X5 * X506 **Causes:** The Web, CLI, and SNMP Server Options dialog turns the X family device servers on and off. You should always use the secure Web and CLI servers (HTTPS and SSH) when conducting normal operations. You should only use the non-secure (HTTP and telnet) servers for troubleshooting if you cannot get the secure alternatives running for some reason. **Fixes:** Note: You do not need to run any servers if you want to control the X family device only through the serial port, but you will be unable to manage filters or perform network discovery scans without servers. You can turn off all servers by using the following commands: ? conf t server no http ? conf t server no https ? conf t server no ssh ? conf t server no telnet ? conf t sms no v2 You must reboot the device for changes to HTTP or HTTPS to take effect. --------------------------- * Product(s): TippingPoint, X Family * Sub Product(s): X505, X506, X5, X506 --- //[[nce@itclatam.com|David Gonzalez]] 2021/04/07 16:08//