Ruijie#**show running-config | include interface GigabitEthernet 0/18** Ruijie#**show interfaces description** Ruijie# show interface status Ruijie# **show aggregatePort summary** Ruijie# **show interfaces aggregatePort 1** Ruijie# show aggregatePort load-balance Ruijie# show int aggreagtePort 1 SW1(config)#**interface range gigabitEthernet 0/23-24** ------>configure a range of interfaces with the same commands Ruijie# show cpu Ruijie# show memory Ruijie# show power Ruijie# show fan Ruijie# show temperature Ruijie# show clock Ruijie# show log Ruijie# more flash:syslog.txt Ruijie# dir Ruijie# **show arp** Ruijie# **show mac-address-table** Ruijie#s**how mac-address-table count** Ruijie# **show arp detail** Ruijie# **show arp count** Ruijie# **show ip route** Ruijie# **show ip route count** Ruijie# **show ip interface brief** Ruijie# show interface description Ruijie# show interface counters Ruijie# **show version** Ruijie# **show version slot** Ruijie(config)#**show snmp host** Ruijie(config)#**show snmp view** Ruijie(config)#**show snmp user**