The CoreBuilder 3500 system software is distributed on CD in an ISO 9660 standard format, which is readable by all CD-ROM drives,including drives used with IBM PC compatible systems, Macintoshcomputers, and Sun and HP UNIX workstations.You can install new software from any host that is running a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.
Installation overview to install or upgrade your system software:
Load the software image file from the CD-ROM to the TFTP host, as described next, for the appropriate supported platform.
Download the system software from the TFTP host to the system's flash memory. See “Installing System Software via TFTP” below for details.
Loading on Microsoft Windows
To load the system software from the Microsoft Windows platform, follow these steps:
Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and open File Manager or Explorer.
Select the drive that represents your CD-ROM and verify that you are able to view the contents of the CD.
Configure your TFTP server on this system to allow TFTP file transfers from the CD, if possible. If this configuration is not possible, copy the system software image to a directory from which your TFTP server allows file transfers.
To download the system software onto the system.
Loading on Macintosh OS
To load the system software from the Macintosh OS platform, follow these steps:
Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Double-click the icon that represents your CD-ROM drive and verify that you are able to view the contents of the CD.
Configure your TFTP server on this system to allow TFTP file transfers from the CD, if possible. If this configuration is not possible, copy the system software image to a directory from which your TFTP server allows file transfers.
To download the system software onto the system. See “Installing System Software via TFTP” for instructions.
To load the system software from the UNIX platform, follow these steps:
Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Mount the CD as required by your UNIX system.
To verify that you are able to view the contents of the CD, enter the appropriate “ls” command.
Configure your TFTP server on this computer to allow TFTP file transfers from the CD, if possible.
If this configuration is not possible, copy the system software image to a directory from which your TFTP server allows file transfers.
To download the system software onto your system see “Installing System Software via TFTP” for instructions.
Installing System Software via TFTP
To download the system software image via TFTP, follow the procedures in this section. The system software can be loaded into flash memory while the system is operating on the network. It is not necessary to bring the system down.
Before beginning this procedure, verify that the TFTP server software is running on the device from which you will be installing the software. Loading software into flash memory takes approximately 10 o 15 minutes to complete, depending on your network load. Before loading the new software, verify that you have defined an IP address on the system. See the CoreBuilder 3500 Quick Installation Guide or the CoreBuilder 3500 Getting Started Guide for information. At this release, Web Management does not support system software installation. You must download the system software image through the
Administration console.
To install the new software:
From the top level of the administration console, enter: system softwareUpdate. The system will prompt for the host IP address and install file name. To accept the default or current value, which is displayed in brackets [ ] press Return or Enter
For the host IP address, enter the IP address of the host machine (such as a Macintosh computer, Sun workstation, or PC) from which you are installing the software. In the example in step 3, the IP address of the host is
For the install file name, enter the complete path and filename of the system software image. Some TFTP servers do not accept the full path. If that is the case for your server, enter only the filename of the image. See your server's documentation for more information.
CAUTION: If the installation stops (that is, if you see no activity for more than 2 minutes), wait for the TFTP session to time out. Do not reboot the system. When the session has timed out, perform the installation procedure again.
Here is an example of a successful system software installation:**
Select menu option: sys softwareUpdate
Host IP address []:
Install file name {?}: cb3500/cb3500E
Copying sysBoot image from network to system - total size: 84 Kbytes
84 Kbytes copied
Copying diagnostic image from network to system - total size:509 Kbytes
509 Kbytes copied
Copying operational image from network to system - total size: 7345 Kbytes
7345 Kbytes copied
After the software has been loaded successfully, this message appears: Installation completed
If the software image stored in flash memory is corrupted (for example, when a power failure occurs while you are installing the software), contact 3Com Technical Support.
4- To reboot the system to use the newly loaded software, enter: system reboot
The system prompts you with the following message:
Are you sure you want to reboot the system (n,y) [y]:
At the prompt, enter y for (yes).
Configure management access for your system. For a quick reminder of setup and management tasks, see the CoreBuilder 3500 Quick Installation Guide. For more detailed information about setting up your system and configuring management access, see the CoreBuilder 3500 Getting Started Guide
— David Gonzalez 2021/04/13 15:09