Symptoms: How to erase the flash memory and upload new firmware

Facts: SuperStack II Remote Access System 1500

Fixes: To erase the flash memory and upload new firmware follow these steps:

WARNING: Be sure not to power off the unit during this procedure

1. Start a terminal program supporting Z-Modem/SDL2 (for example, Microsoft Windows Hyperterminal) (For more info please refer to 3KB document How to access the CLI using Microsoft Windows Hyperterminal )

2. Reboot the RAS1500 by typing 'reboot' and confirm this by typing 'y'

3. When the unit displays 'Initializing…' press the 'ESC' key 3 times within 2 seconds

4. When the 'SDL2 is ready' message and the menu are displayed, type 'AT{E}' and press 'enter' within 5 seconds to erase the flash memory The unit will now erase the entire flash memory and then reboot

5. When the unit displays 'initializing…' press the 'ESC' key 3 times within 2 seconds

6. When the 'SDL2 is ready' message and the menu are displayed, type 'AT{Z}' and press 'enter' 'Begin download now' is displayed

7. From Hyperterminal use the Z-modem protocol to send the file 'rasboot.dmf' to the RAS1500

8. When the file is successfully downloaded, the RAS1500 will reboot

9. After rebooting, when the unit displays 'Initializing…' press the 'ESC' key 3 times within 2 seconds

10. When the 'SDL2 is ready' message and the menu are displayed, type 'AT{Z}' and press 'Enter' The message 'Begin download now' is displayed.

11. From Hyperterminal use the Z-modem protocol to send the file 'ras1500.dmf' to the RAS1500

12. When the file is successfully downloaded, the RAS1500 will reboot

13. Let the RAS1500 finish its reboot this time. It will startup at the Quick Configuration process.

14. Go through the Quick Configuration to reconfigure the RAS1500. (recommended: answer 'no' to the question asking whether you'd like to only configure enough to use the web interface)

David Gonzalez 2021/04/09 12:23