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SuperStack Remote Access System (RAS) 1500 allows remote computer and Macintosh users to dial in over ISDN or analog lines and connect to the local network via Novell IPX, Internet Protocol (IP), or AppleTalk.

Using Network Dial-In

Use network dial-in (Figure 8) if you want to configure a RAS 1500 to allow dial-in users to do the following:

Required Information

Obtain the following information for network dial-in:


Provide the remote RAS 1500 dial-in user with the following:

Communication Parameters

Provide the remote computer with the correct communications parameters:

Configuring RAS 1500

You need to perform the following actions to configure RAS 1500 for network dial-in:

Required Steps

add ip pool <poolname> initial_pool_address <initial_pool_address>

this is a pool of addresses that is assigned to remote users. They should not be used on the LAN. They should not be in the DHCP range.

set ip pool <poolname> size [1-4096]

The size must be the same number of remote users, with a margin for future expansions

set ip pool <poolname> route no_aggregate
add user < username> password <password> type network,login network_service ppp
set network user <username> address_selection assign
set user <username> idle_timeout <0-86400 seconds>

This is for the RAS to cut the call when there is no packet transfer on the connection.

David Gonzalez 2021/04/09 15:47