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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>:: Acceso Restringido :: Enterprise Name ::</TITLE>
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            <TABLE height=22 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=66 border=0>
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                <TD class=txt vAlign=center align=middle><FONT 
                  color=#006328>Enterprise name</FONT></TD></TR>
                <TD class=txt vAlign=center align=middle><FONT 
                  color=#006328>Enterprise name </FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
          <TD bgColor=#006328 height=70></TD></TR>
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          <TD vAlign=top align=right width=43 bgColor=#000000 rowSpan=3></TD>
          <TD class=x vAlign=center align=middle width=324 bgColor=#00441f 
          height=243 rowSpan=3><FONT color=#ffffff>(<font face="Courier New">&#9786;</font>)</FONT></TD>
          <TD vAlign=bottom align=left width=404 bgColor=#00441f 
            height=53><SPAN class=txt3><FONT color=#ffffff>&nbsp;access 
            Rrestricted/FONT></SPAN> </TD></TR>
          <TD bgColor=#ffffff height=1></TD></TR>
          <TD vAlign=top align=left width=404 bgColor=#111f14>
            <BLOCKQUOTE class=txt2>
              <P><BR><FONT color=#ffffff>To protect the use of the channel 
              Internet (bandwidth) and optimize the service for the
              Enterprise name, the Systems Center and NT has restricted access to this 
              <P class=txt2><FONT color=#ffffff>For any concerns or 
              suggestion, contact the Systems Center and NT.
             Ext. 123, contact-email@youdomain.com
				<P class=txt2><font color="#FFFFFF">Note:the service of  
				Internet is a very valuable academic resource for the community, 
				make proper use of it.</font></P> </BLOCKQUOTE></TD></TR>
          <TD vAlign=top align=right width=21 bgColor=#109c10></TD>
          <TD vAlign=top align=right width=43 bgColor=#000000></TD>
          <TD vAlign=center align=middle width=324 bgColor=#00441f></TD>
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          <TD vAlign=top align=right bgColor=#000000 colSpan=4 height=1></TD></TR>
          <TD vAlign=top align=right bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=4 height=2></TD></TR>
        <TR vAlign=center align=middle>
          <TD bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=4><FONT class=txt 
            color=#666666><STRONG>Enterprise Name | Address 
            street 123 North | Location - Country | switch 12345678 | 
            Complaints and claims line 018000 96 35 78<BR>Copyright (c) 
            1996-1997 Enterprise Name All Right Reserved | 
            Comments on this Website: <A 

David Gonzalez 2021/04/03 13:33