You can add custom login pages to the WX switch’s nonvolatile storage, andconfigure MSS to serve those pages instead.

To serve a custom page instead, do the following:

1.- Copy and modify the 3Com page, or create a new page.

2.- Create a subdirectory in the user files area of the WX switch’s nonvolatile storage, and copy the custom page into the subdirectory.

3.- Configure SSIDs and wired authentication ports to use the custom form, by specifying the location of the form.

Custom Login Page Scenario

The following steps illustrate how to create a custom page:

1.- Do the following on the WX switch:

SSID on it:

WX1200# set service-profile tempsrvc
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set service-profile tempsrvc ssid-name tempssid
success: change accepted.
Configuring Web Portal WebAAA 429
WX1200# set service-profile tempsrvc ssid-type clear
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set service-profile tempsrvc auth-fallthru web-portal
success: change accepted.

profile to it:

WX1200# set radio-profile temprad service-profile tempsrvc
success: change accepted.
WX1200# set ap 2 radio 1 radio-profile temprad mode enable
success: change accepted.

2.- From your PC, attempt to directly access the temporary SSID. The WX switch serves the login page.

3.- In the browser, select File > Save As to save the login page.

4.- Edit the login page:

<img src="mylogo.gif" width="143" height="65" border="0"
alt="Company Logo">
<h3>Welcome to Mycorp’s Wireless LAN</h3>

Do not change the form delimited by the <form name⇒ and </form> tags.

The form values are required for the page to work properly.

5.- Save the modified page.

6.- On the WX switch, create a new subdirectory for the customized page.

(The files must be on a TFTP server that the WX switch can reach over the network.)

WX1200# mkdir mycorp-webaaa
success: change accepted.

7.- Copy the files for the customized page into the subdirectory:

WX1200# copy tftp:// mycorp-webaaa/mycorp-login.html
success: received 637 bytes in 0.253 seconds [ 2517 bytes/sec]
WX1200# copy tftp:// mycorp-webaaa/mylogo.gif
success: received 1202 bytes in 0.402 seconds [ 2112 bytes/sec]
WX1200# dir mycorp-webaaa

Filename Size Created
file:mycorp-login.html 637 bytes Aug 12 2004, 15:42:26
file:mylogo.gif 1202 bytes Aug 12 2004, 15:57:11
Total: 1839 bytes used, 206577 Kbytes free
8 Use the following command to configure the SSID to use the custom page:
set service-profile name web-portal-form url

For the url, specify the full path; for example

mycorp-webaaa/mycorp-login.html. If the custom login page includes gif or jpg images, their path names are interpreted relative to the directory from which the page is served.

David Gonzalez 2021/03/31 11:57