Dual-box solution
Protects against “catastrophic” unit failure
Loss of power
Software failure
Minimise downtime during software upgrade cycles
Both devices can be independently managed
X-series HA is unrelated to the Intrinsic, Transparent or Zero Power HA features on T/E-series platforms
Active / Passive mode only
One unit is a cold standby monitoring the other
No connection state or any IPS synchronization
If a session is established through the primary when it fails, the entire session will fail and must be re-establis
VPN site-to-site and client links must be re-established
Routing information must be re-established for secondary
Passive unit can do Auto-DV updates through Internet link
No configuration synchronization
Certain configuration must be unique on each device
Device pair wired “in parallel”
Unit boots and attempts to detect Active device over network using ARP
If Active device present, unit becomes Standby device
Passively polls Active device and does not pass traffic
Becomes Active device if current Active device fails to respond to ARP polling
Will remain Active device unless manually forced to Standby
Connect ports for HA together either directly or via a network
Enable HA globally
User selects which Virtual Interfaces are used for HA monitoring and assigns each an HA Management IP address within VI subnet
HA Management IP address can be used to manage Standby device and as source IP for diagnostic tools such as ping, traceroute, etc.
GRE VIs are not used for HA
CLI Configuration
Standby Operation
Standby device ignores all traffic except to its HA management IP addresses
Standby device sends HA ARP request to each virtual interface IP address which has a HA management IP address
Active device replies with HA ARP response
If Standby does not see a response on any virtual interface
Standby sends gratuitous ARP for virtual interface IP addresses
Directly connected switches associate HA MAC address with Standby
Standby takes on role of Active device
Active Operation
Active device performs regular traffic routing using the normal virtual interface IP addresses
If Active device does not see HA ARP requests, it assumes either:
In both cases, active device will act as Standby and start sending HA ARP requests itself
Active device can be managed using its regular virtual interface IP addresses or HA management IP addresses
If Active device transitions to Standby, any management session on its regular VI IP addresses will stop working
The HA management IP address is also pingable
This IP address is also used for sourcing traffic such as ping, traceroute, etc
Standby device management can be via the Active device
The HA management IP addresses can only be used for management when HA is enabled
Standby device uses poll timer for periodic checking of Active device
If after the wait interval, Active device has not responded to HA poll
Only if Active device fails to respond on all HA IP addresses will Standby transition to Active
It can take up to two times the poll timer for the Standby device to transition to Active
When Standby device transitions to Active, its initial state is similar to just being powered on