

Cause: The problem stems from two aspects of the behavior of the current search engines:

Fix: The basic approach is to define Custom filters to block desired traffic :

For a:

Define some Custom Filter patterns in each web filter profile on the X to block the return of cached pages.

For b:

The effect of this will be that a click on a cached link on the search results will return the custom block page. The thumbnails or images on the search engine will also not display.

The patterns to use are different for each search engine. This means there is always the risk of the pattern changing or new search engines being found. In addition please be aware that it is possible (but unlikely) there will be false blocks from these patterns if other legitimate URLs happen to have the same strings in them. If that occurs, add a Permit pattern for the specific site in question as a permit always overrides a block.

The X series Firewall always checks permit rules first before blocks. Always ensure there is not a custom permit filter, or a category permitting access to the web site if the block is not working. For example, if you allow Photo Search category, none of the custom filters will fire. The best way to do check is to enable logging on the web filter firewall rule. Then look at the Firewall Session Log entries to see why the URL is being allowed. This will show the category allowing it, or whether it was a custom Permit pattern.

David Gonzalez 2021/04/08 11:26