Table of Contents


system apps-access-reset

Use the system apps-access-reset command to reset the access control restrictions for Policy Manager.


system apps-access-reset


The following example resets the access control restrictions for Policy Manager:

system boot-image

Use the system boot-image command to set system boot image control options.


system boot-image [-l] [-a <version>]

The following table describes the required and optional parameters for the system boot-image command:

Table 1: Boot-Image Command Parameters


The following example sets the system boot image control options:

[appadmin]# system boot-image -l

system cleanup

Use the system cleanup command to perform a system cleanup operation that purges the following records:

* System and application log files

* Past authentication records

* Audit records

* Expired guest accounts

* Past auto and manual backups

* Stored reports


system cleanup <num_days

The following table describes the required parameter for the system cleanup command:

Table 2: System Cleanup Command Parameter


The following example performs a system cleanup operation that retains records for four days:

system create-api-client

Use the system create-api-client command create a new API client.


system create-api-client <Client_ID> <Client_Secret>


The following example creates an API client and specifies the client ID and client secret:

[appadmin]#system create-api-client Win.139 college52

system export-endpoints-csv

use this command to export endpoints and endpoint profile details to a zip file that can be downloaded from Admin UI - Backup files under Administration > Server Manager > Local Shared Folders. When using an XML file to export or import a very large number of endpoints, performance is sometimes degraded.

system factory-reset

The system factory-reset command restores a ClearPass hardware appliance to factory defaults. This command is available only to the appadmin user.

The system factory-reset command essentially consists of two operations:

* Resets all ClearPass configurations in the current partition only, including Policy Manager server settings, all ClearPass Guest, Onboard and extensions, Active Directory domain settings, NTP settings, hostname, network settings, and date, time, and password settings.

* Cleans and resets ClearPass logs and configuration files, including those for ClearPass Guest.

When running the system factory-reset in a ClearPass cluster:

* If the current node is a Publisher node, running this command will drop it from the cluster. The Standby Publisher node then becomes the Publisher.

* If the current node is a Subscriber node, it will be dropped from the cluster, and will become a stand-alone node.

After successful configuration and reboot, you will be presented with the bootstrap configuration screen, where you will have to reset all the ClearPass parameters.


The following example restores a ClearPass hardware appliance to factory defaults:

[appadmin]# system factory-reset

system install-image

The system install-image command installs a fresh image of the major product version specified in the second partition of a ClearPass hardware appliance.

This command is available only for the appadmin user.

After successful execution of the system install-image command, the system will reboot and you will return to the installed image.

After successful configuration and reboot, you will be presented with the bootstrap configuration screen, where you will have to reset all the ClearPass parameters.

You can apply the system install-image command in the following ways:

Table 3: System Install-Image Command Methods


[appadmin]#system install-image CPPM-x86_64-6.X.Y.Z-<any-image>.signed.tar

- X.Y.Z stands for a specific patch release version.

- <any-image> stands for the description of the patch.

- signed.tar is common nomenclature for all types of updates.

system morph-vm

Use the system morph-vm command to convert an evaluation virtual machine (VM) to a production virtual machine. With this command, licenses are still required to be installed after the morph operation is completed.

To convert an evaluation virtual machine to a production virtual machine:

1. Determine the type of the appliance to which you want to morph your evaluation virtual machine.

2. Procure the license for the target virtual appliance.

3. Shut down the virtual machine.

4. Determine the required capacity of an additional hard disk and attach it to the target virtual appliance.

5. Adjust the CPU and Memory settings for the evaluation virtual machine to match the target virtual appliance.

6. Boot the virtual machine.

7. Execute the system morph-vm command.

The configuration data from the evaluation virtual machine will migrate to the newly-attached disk. The node will reboot as a virtual machine of the selected appliance model.

8. Log in to the user interface and enter the permanent license.

The evaluation virtual machine is now a production virtual machine.


system morph-vm <C1000V | C2000V | C3000V>

The following table describes the parameters for the system morph-vm command:

Table 4: System Morph-VM Command


The following example converts an evaluation virtual machine to a production C3000V virtual appliance:

[appadmin]# system morph-vm C3000V

system patch-rollback

The system patch-rollback command allows a user with appadmin credentials to revert to the most recent ClearPass installed version. For example, if a ClearPass system is at 6.7.1 and cumulative update 6.7.x is applied, ClearPass can be reverted to 6.7.1 through the system patch-rollback command.

This command can also be used if there is a problem after the patch update process—for example, if an issue is identified in production that was not identified during testing, resulting in a degradation of capabilities.

Important Points

When issuing the system patch-rollback command, keep in mind the following points:

- Patch rollback is supported only for ClearPass versions 6.7 and above.

- The system patch-rollback command reverts only the most recently installed cumulative patch update within the major version. After the cumulative patch is reverted, the user will be in the patch version that was installed prior to the patch update.

- Although you can only roll back to the last version that was installed, if multiple hotfix patches are included within the cumulative patch version you are rolling back from, then you can roll back multiple hotfix patches, one at a time, to a specific hotfix within the current version. To roll back to the previously installed version, you must first roll back each intervening hotfix patch.

- As best practice, users should always back up all data before proceeding with an update.

- This command can also be used at the cluster level. In this case, system patch-rollback must be run individually on each appliance in the cluster within 24 hours after the rollback in order to maintain the cluster status.

- Any custom skins that are installed in the current version are retained after the rollback to the earlier version.

- System rollback events are logged in the Event Viewer.


system patch-rollback


For example, if ClearPass has been installed in the order 6.7.0 > 6.7.1 > 6.7.2, when the appadmin user executes the system patch-rollback command, the system will revert to a time just before ClearPass 6.7.2 was installed.

If, in this example, the installed 6.7.2 patch added an rpm-X, system patch-rollback deletes rpm-Y, and updates rpm-Z to rpm-Z+1 version. Then system patch-rollback deletes rpm-X, adds rpm-Y, and restores rpm-Z.

The system patch-rollback command can also be used at the cluster level, but this command must be run individually on all cluster nodes. For patch rollback across a cluster, the appadmin user must go to each ClearPass server in the cluster to rollback the last applied patch.

system refresh-license

Use the system refresh-license command to refresh the license count information.


system refresh-license


The following example refreshes the license count information:

system refresh-network

Use the system refresh-network command to refresh the newly added or removed network adapters in ClearPass so that they are reflected in the system. This command also enforces network adapter ordering and associates the lower-order MAC address to eth0 and the next higher-order MAC address to eth1, and so on. Ensure that you have the console session available.

The system refresh-network command is useful when you bring up a virtual machine without one or more of the network interface cards (NICs) and you then add them at a later stage. This command is required when you delete NICs and add them back into the system (VMware ESXi may generate new MAC addresses as a result).

For the network refresh to take effect, you must reboot the ClearPass server.


system refresh-network

This command takes no arguments.

system reset-server-certificate

Use the system reset-server-certificate command to reset the HTTP server certificate or RADIUS/EAP server certificate or both.

After executing the command, the Policy Manager services are restarted to reflect the changes.


system reset-server-certificate


The following example resets the HTTP, RADIUS/EAP, and RadSec server certificates:

system restart

Use the system restart command to restart the system.


system restart


The following example restarts the system with a confirmation before proceeding:

system shutdown

Use the system shutdown command to shut down the current ClearPass server.


[appadmin]# system shutdown


The following example shuts down the system with a confirmation before proceeding:

system sso-reset

Use the system sso-reset command to reset the Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration.


system sso-reset

system start-rasession

Use the system start-rasession command to start a Remote Assistance (RA) session.


system start-rasession [duration_hours | duration_mins | contact_id | cppm_server_ip]

The following table describes the parameters for the system start-rasession command

Table 5: System Start Remote Assistance Session Command Parameters

system status-rasession

Use the system status-rasession command to view the status of a Remote Assistance session.


system status-rasession <session_id>


The following example displays the status of a Remote Assistance session 3001:

[appadmin]# system status-rasession 3001

system terminate-rasession

Use the system terminate-rasession command to terminate a running Remote Assistance session.


system terminate-rasession <session_id>


The following example terminates a running RemoteAssist session 3001:

[appadmin]# system terminate-rasession 3001

system update

The system update command provides options to manage system patch updates.


system update [-i [-f] <user@hostname:/<filename> | http://hostname/<filename»]

system update [-f]

system update [-l]

The following table describes the required and optional parameters for the system update command:

Table 6: System Update Command Parameters


The following example of the system update command will reinstall the patch if necessary and list the patches currently installed on the ClearPass server:

[appadmin]# system update -f -l

system upgrade

The system upgrade command upgrades the system. This command provides you with the following system upgrade options:

- From a Linux server

- From a Web server

- Performing an offline upgrade


system upgrade <session_id>


- Upgrading from a Linux server

system upgrade user@hostname:/<filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

- Upgrading from a Web server

system upgrade http://hostname/<filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

- Performing an offline upgrade

system upgrade <filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

Table 7: System Upgrade Command Parameters

Example 1: Upgrading from a Linux Server

To upgrade the Policy Manager image from a Linux server:

1. Upload the upgrade image to a Linux server.

2. Use the following syntax to upload the upgrade image:

system upgrade user@hostname:/<filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

For example:

[appadmin]# system upgrade

Example 2: Upgrading from a Web Server

To upgrade the Policy Manager image from a Web server:

1. Upload the upgrade image to a Web server.

2. Use the following syntax to upload the upgrade image:

system upgrade http://hostname/<filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

For example:

[appadmin]# system upgrade

Example 3: Performing an Offline Upgrade

To perform an offline upgrade:

1. Log in to the Aruba Support Center and select the Download Software tab.

2. Navigate to the ClearPass > Policy Manager > Current Release folder > Upgrade folder. The Upgrade page opens.

3. In the Description/Remarks section, click the link for the appropriate upgrade. The upgrade file is uploaded to your local system.

4. Navigate to the ClearPass Policy Manager Software Updates page at Administration > Agents and Software Updates > Software Updates.

5. In the Firmware & Patch Updates section of the Software Updates page, click the Import Updates button. The Import from File dialog opens.

6. Browse to the location of the upgrade file on your system, then click Import. The selected upgrade file is uploaded to the ClearPass Policy Manager.

7. Log in to the Policy Manager command line interface (CLI) with the following user name: appadmin.

8. Initiate the upgrade process by entering the following command:

system upgrade <filepath> [-w] [-l] [-L]

For example:

[appadmin]# system upgrade CPPM-upgradeimage.bin

9. After the upgrade process is complete, restart the machine by issuing the following command in the CLI: system restart

The Policy Manager restarts and boots up to the most recent version of ClearPass Policy Manager.