Note: The old / NEW Access Point and virtual controller! They must have the same version!


A: IAP 375

Name: Aruba Operating System Software

Type: 375

Build Time: 2020-04-15 15:12:45 UTC (build 75126) by p4build

Version: —→ not different

B: Aruba virtual controller

Name: Aruba Operating System Software

Type: 315

Build Time: 2017-10-19 20:14:11 PDT (build 61959) by p4build

Version: —→ not different

Note: The Aruba virtual controller and instant APs must be on the same VLAN id

Apply the next commands on the Aruba virtual controller:

The auto join mode feature allows IAPs to automatically discover the Virtual Controller and join the network.

The Auto Join Mode feature is enabled by default. If the auto join mode feature is disabled, a New link is displayed in the Access Points tab. Click this link to add IAPs to the network. If this feature is disabled, the inactive IAPs are displayed in red as shown in the following figure:

Figure 1 Inactive IAPs

Enabling or Disabling Auto Join Mode

You can enable or disable auto join mode by using the Instant UI or CLI.

In the Instant UI

To enable or disable auto join mode:

1. Navigate to System>General>Show advanced options.

2. Select Disabled or Enabled from the Auto join mode drop-down list to deny or allow APs to join the network.

3. Click OK.

In the CLI

To disable auto join mode:

(Instant AP)(config)# no allow-new-aps

(Instant AP)(config)# end

(Instant AP)# commit apply

To enable auto join mode:

(Instant AP)(config)# allow-new-aps

(Instant AP)(config)# end

(Instant AP)# commit apply