You can specify a single static IP address that can be used to manage a multi-AP Instant network. This IP address is automatically provisioned on a shadow interface on the IAP that takes the role of a Virtual Controller. When an IAP becomes a Virtual Controller, it sends three Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages with the static IP address and its MAC address to update the network ARP cache.

Configuring IP Address for Virtual Controller

You can configure the Virtual Controller name and IP address using Instant UI or CLI.

In the Instant UI

1. Click the System link at top right corner of the Instant main window. The System window appears.

2. Click the Show advanced options link. The advanced options are displayed.

3. In the General tab, enter the appropriate IP address in the Virtual Controller IP text box. The IP configured for the Virtual Controller can be in the same subnet as IAP or can be in a different subnet. If the Virtual Controller IP is in a different subnet, configure the Virtual Controller mask, gateway, and VLAN as described in the following steps:

Note: Ensure that Virtual Controller VLAN is not the same as native VLAN of the IAP.

4. Click OK.

In the CLI

To configure the Virtual Controller Name and IP address:

(Instant Access Point)(config)# virtual-controller-ip <IP-address>

(Instant Access Point)(config)# virtual-controller-vlan <vcvlan> <vcmask> <vcgw>

(Instant Access Point)(config)# end

(Instant Access Point)# commit apply