Table of Contents

Dell EMC Networking N-Series N1100-ON, N1500, N2000, N2100-ON, N3000, N3000-ON, N3100-ON, and N4000 Switches CLI Reference Guide


Setting a management IP address

console> enable
console# configure
console(config)# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)#ip address

Here is the same example as above but using the OOB interface:

console(config)# interface out-of-band
console(config-if)# ip address

IP default-gateway

console(config)# ip default-gateway

Setting login access on the switch

console> enable
console# configure
console(config)# username Dell password MYPASSWORD privilege 15
console(config)# enable password ENP@$$w0rd

Choosing Telnet, HTTP, SSH, or HTTPS for management

The default allowed protocols for management are Telnet and HTTP. Telnet and SSH provide command-line based management through a tool such as PuTTY. HTTP and HTTPS provide a UI-based management through a web browser. It is possible to run all four, or none of the protocols. With all the previous options disabled, there is still the option of serial console.

For security, it is recommended to disable Telnet and HTTP, and enable SSH and HTTPS. Telnet and HTTP transfer packets over plain text, meaning if a person is capturing traffic, they can read all commands of functions pushed through the switch when managing it. SSH and HTTPS encrypt the traffic, which strengthens the packet security.

To enable SSH and HTTPS, input the following commands. SSH and HTTPS require the generation of a DSA and an RSA key. HTTPS requires the creation of a certificate.

console(config)# no ip ssh server
console(config)# crypto key generate dsa
console(config)# crypto key generate rsa
console(config)# ip ssh server

Note: Caution: Before disabling either telnet or HTTP access, verify SSH or HTTPS access.

console(config)# ip telnet server disable
console(config)# no ip http secure-server
console(config)# crypto certificate 1 generate
console(config-crypto-cert)# key-generate
console(config-crypto-cert)# exit
console(config)# ip http secure-certificate <1 - 2> Instance of the certificate to be activated.
console(config)# ip http secure-server

Note:This system can generate and store two certificates. To generate the second key, replace the number 1 with 
2. To activate the second key, use:

console(config)# ip http secure-certificate 2

console(config)# no ip http server
console# write
console# copy running-config startup-config

To enable SSH, input the following commands

Generate both the RSA and DSA keys:

no ip ssh server
crypto key generate rsa
crypto key generate dsa
Now, you can enable the SSH server:

ip ssh server
Optionally: you can also change the default listen port:

ip ssh port 22
With more recent firmware versions, you are no longer able to change the SSH protocol version. It is now always 
2. But if you are still running an older version, you could set the protocol version:

ip ssh protocol 2
Optionally: after enabling SSH, you can optionally disable Telnet:

ip telnet server disable
Go back to EXEC mode and write the changes to flash:

copy running-config startup-config

To disable Telnet and HTTP input the following commands:

console(config)# ip telnet server disable
console(config)# no ip http server

Saving configuration

When satisfied with the configuration, it must be saved so that if the switch reboots, and the configuration is persistent. Input the following command to save your configuration:

console# write memory
This operation may take a few minutes.
Management interfaces will not be available during this time.
Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) y

How to Configure a Static or Dynamic Port-Channel on a Dell Networking N Series switch running OS6 (Dell EMC Networking Switch N3048P)

Creating a dynamic port channel using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)

Configure the respective interfaces to the appropriate port channel number, 1-128, using the interface range command. This example uses the interfaces tengigabitethernet 1/0/1 and tengigabitethernet 1/0/2:

N-Series> en
N-Series# conf
N-Series(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/0/1
N-Series(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode active
N-Series(config-if)# exit
N-Series(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/0/2
N-Series(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode active
Note: Avoid using all when configuring a port range for port channels. Specify the exact interfaces.

Configure the switchport mode and VLAN membership inside the port channel interface. The below command shows how to enter the port channel interface configuration:

N-Series(config-if)# interface port-channel 1

Verify that the respective port channel is active with the command:

N-Series# show interface port-channel 1

Copy the configuration changes to the startup configuration with the command:

N-Series# copy running-config startup-config
This operation may take a few minutes. Management interfaces are not available during this time.

The prompt “Are you sure you want to save?” is seen. Answer (y or n)

Configuration Saved!

Creating a Static port channel

This process differs in only the first step from above - the definition of the channel group mode (on vs active).

N-Series> en
N-Series# conf
N-Series(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/0/1
N-Series(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode on
N-Series(config-if)# exit
N-Series(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 1/0/2
N-Series(config-if)# channel-group 1 mode on

The remaining steps are identical to the previous section “Creating a dynamic port channel using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)“

Example code

!Current Configuration:
!Software Capability "Stack Limit = 8, VLAN Limit = 1024"
!Image File "N3000AdvLitev6.5.3.6"
!System Description "Dell EMC Networking N3048P,, Linux 3.6.5-e3cd5a07, Not Available"
!System Software Version
vlan 500-525
vlan 500
name "ServerVM"
vlan 501
name "ServerStack"
vlan 502
name "ISP1"
vlan 503
name "ISP2"
vlan 504      
name "ISP3"
vlan 505
name "LAN-UTM"
vlan 506
name "WIFI-AP"
vlan 507
name "VIP"
vlan 508
name "ST"
vlan 509
name "Staff"
vlan 510
name "Teacher"
vlan 511
name "Students"
vlan 512
name "Accounting"
vlan 513
name "Printer"
vlan 514
name "AC"
vlan 515
name "iDRAC"
vlan 516
name "KVM"
vlan 517
name "Guest"
vlan 518
name "VoIP"
vlan 519
name "IoT"                  
vlan 520
name "Cameras"
vlan 521
name "VC"
vlan 522
name "VPN"
vlan 523
name "VLAN523"
vlan 524
name "VLAN524"
vlan 525
name "VLAN525"
ip telnet server disable
slot 1/0 5    ! Dell EMC Networking N3048P
slot 1/1 6    ! Dell EMC N3000 SFP+ Card
member 1 5    ! N3048P
interface out-of-band
ip address
no ip http server
ip http secure-server
interface vlan 1
ip address
ip default-gateway
username "sd" password 657d6639dcbd9211a547501784b1a559 privilege 15 encrypted
username "manager" password 2eb1cf41afd5a5ea20a0bf6c86e81e50 privilege 15 encrypted
ip ssh server
no spanning-tree
application install SupportAssist auto-restart start-on-boot
application install hiveagent start-on-boot
interface Gi1/0/1
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only                  
interface Gi1/0/2
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/3
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/4
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/5
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/6
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/7
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/8                  
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/9
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/10
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/11
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/12
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 500
interface Gi1/0/13
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/14
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/15
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/16
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501                  
interface Gi1/0/17
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/18
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/19
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only                  
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/20
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/21
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/22
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general                  
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/23
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/24
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 501
interface Gi1/0/25
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap                  
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/26
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/27
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/28
storm-control broadcast level 10                  
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/29
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/30
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/31                  
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/32
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/33
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/34
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/35
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/36
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
switchport access vlan 503
interface Gi1/0/37
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/38
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/39
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/40                  
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/41
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/42
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/43
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap                 
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/44
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/45
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/46
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only                  
interface Gi1/0/47
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Gi1/0/48
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
switchport mode general
switchport general acceptable-frame-type tagged-only
interface Te1/0/1
channel-group 1 mode active
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
description "Core_Aruba_6400_switch_connection_IP:_172.16.28.1"
switchport mode trunk
interface Te1/0/2
channel-group 1 mode active
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
description "Core_Aruba_6400_switch_connection_IP:_172.16.28.1"
switchport mode trunk
interface Te1/1/1
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
interface Te1/1/2
storm-control broadcast level 10
storm-control broadcast action trap
interface port-channel 1
description "Core_Aruba_6400_switch_connection_IP:_172.16.28.1"
switchport mode trunk
snmp-server engineid local 800002a203f8b1565751e4
enable password 2eb1cf41afd5a5ea20a0bf6c86e81e50 encrypted

LLDP Enable

console(config)#lldp med all
console(config)#lldp med confignotification all

console(config)#show lldp local-device all
LLDP Local Device Summary

Interface  Port ID               Port Description
---------  --------------------  --------------------
Gi1/0/1    Gi1/0/1               SERVICE_TECHNOLO ...
Gi1/0/2    Gi1/0/2               SERVICE_TECHNOLO ...
Gi1/0/3    Gi1/0/3               SERVICE_TECHNOLO ...
Gi1/0/4    Gi1/0/4               SERVICE_TECHNOLO ...
Gi1/0/5    Gi1/0/5               SERVICE_TECHNOLO ...
Gi1/0/6    Gi1/0/6               LAN-UTM_test_port
Gi1/0/7    Gi1/0/7               LAN-UTM_test_port
Gi1/0/8    Gi1/0/8               ISP1_test_port
Gi1/0/9    Gi1/0/9               ISP1_test_port
Gi1/0/10   Gi1/0/10              ISP2_test_port
Gi1/0/11   Gi1/0/11              ISP2_test_port
Gi1/0/12   Gi1/0/12
Gi1/0/13   Gi1/0/13              UTM_LAN_IP_172.1 ...
Gi1/0/14   Gi1/0/14              MPLS_IP_192.168. ...
Gi1/0/15   Gi1/0/15              UTM_LAN_IP_172.1 ...
Gi1/0/16   Gi1/0/16              MPLS_IP_192.168. ...
Gi1/0/17   Gi1/0/17
Gi1/0/18   Gi1/0/18              MPLS_IP_192.168. ...
Gi1/0/19   Gi1/0/19
Gi1/0/20   Gi1/0/20              MPLS_IP_192.168. ...
Gi1/0/21   Gi1/0/21
Gi1/0/22   Gi1/0/22
Gi1/0/23   Gi1/0/23
Gi1/0/24   Gi1/0/24
Gi1/0/25   Gi1/0/25
Gi1/0/26   Gi1/0/26
Gi1/0/27   Gi1/0/27
Gi1/0/28   Gi1/0/28
Gi1/0/29   Gi1/0/29
Gi1/0/30   Gi1/0/30
Gi1/0/31   Gi1/0/31
Gi1/0/32   Gi1/0/32
Gi1/0/33   Gi1/0/33
Gi1/0/34   Gi1/0/34
Gi1/0/35   Gi1/0/35
Gi1/0/36   Gi1/0/36
Gi1/0/37   Gi1/0/37
Gi1/0/38   Gi1/0/38
Gi1/0/39   Gi1/0/39
Gi1/0/40   Gi1/0/40
Gi1/0/41   Gi1/0/41              ISP2_OPERATOR_LA ...
Gi1/0/42   Gi1/0/42              ISP2_OPERATOR_LA ...
Gi1/0/43   Gi1/0/43
Gi1/0/44   Gi1/0/44
Gi1/0/45   Gi1/0/45              VLAN500_VM_TEST_PORT
Gi1/0/46   Gi1/0/46              VLAN500_VM_TEST_PORT
Gi1/0/47   Gi1/0/47              UTM_OLD_PORT_WAN ...
Gi1/0/48   Gi1/0/48              UTM_OLD_PORT_WAN ...
Te1/0/1    Te1/0/1               Core_Aruba_6400_ ...
Te1/0/2    Te1/0/2               Core_Aruba_6400_ ...
Te1/1/1    Te1/1/1
Te1/1/2    Te1/1/2               ISP_PSLightWave_ ...


console(config)#show lldp remote-device all
LLDP Remote Device Summary
Interface RemID   Chassis ID          Port ID           System Name
--------- ------- ------------------- ----------------- -----------------
Te1/0/1   16      EC:67:94:F5:69:00   1/3/33              CS-2P-MDFHA-A
Te1/0/2   15      EC:67:94:F5:89:00   1/3/33              CS-2P-MDFHA-B
Te1/1/2   25      50:C7:09:A6:65:FF   xe-0/1/3            JN2300_StFranc...