Funk AdmitOne VPN client for PDA configuration with Superstack 3 Firewall

This document explains the configuration settings for the AdmitOne VPN client from Funk Software (this is an OEM VPN client from SafeNet). This VPN client should work with the Superstack 3 firewall running Agent 6.02 or higher.

  1. Settings on the Superstack 3 firewall
  1. 2 Settings on the Admitone VPN client:

Following information is required:

Click “Advanced” on bottom left and uncheck “Auto IKE?IPSec setup”.

Establishing a VPN connection with the Admitone VPN client:

You can now select the configured VPN profile to connect. Normally, there is a Ping utility included with the adapter for testing the VPN connection. You can also verify the Firewall log or VPN screens to see whether a VPN has been established. Alternatively, you can use a browser to test connectivity by opening a connection to the LAN IP address of the firewall).


• SA lifetime of the Admitone VPN client is 3600 seconds.

• The Admitone VPN client will renegotiate VPN connectivity after reaching 40% of the SA lifetime.

• NAT Traversal is not supported because the standards are not ratified yet.

• XAUTH will be supported in the next release of VPN client

David Gonzalez 2021/03/30 10:24