local-user admin
 password simple 1234567890
 authorization-attribute level 3
 service-type ssh telnet terminal
local-user manager
 password simple 1234567890
 authorization-attribute level 2
 service-type ssh telnet terminal
local-user monitor
 password simple 1234567890
 authorization-attribute level 1
 service-type ssh telnet terminal
acl number 2000
 rule 0 permit source
 undo cluster enable

 public-key local create rsa 

 ssh server enable
 ssh user admin service-type all authentication-type password

user-interface aux 0
 authentication-mode scheme
 idle-timeout 15 0
user-interface vty 0 15
 acl 2000 inbound
 authentication-mode scheme
 set authentication password simple 1234567890
 protocol inbound ssh

 header shell %
* Computer unit supported by ITCorporation.
* This is a computer resource for the exclusive use of Enterprise name.
* If you are not an authorized user to enter this device
* refrain from doing so, as all activities can be monitored
* or recorded. And if evidence of unauthorized access is discovered,
* modifications to the information, attacks against the integrity of the
* information such as the entity, among others, will be reported to the
* competent authorities.
 header login %
* Computer unit supported by ITCorporation.
* This is a computer resource for the exclusive use of Enterprise name.
* If you are not an authorized user to enter this device
* refrain from doing so, as all activities can be monitored
* or recorded. And if evidence of unauthorized access is discovered,
* modifications to the information, attacks against the integrity of the
* information such as the entity, among others, will be reported to the
* competent authorities.
