Table of Contents


In this network scenario, we are going to configure a Ruijie AP independently (without depending on a Gateway or Controller) where it will be connected to a home network that has the following network segment:

Also, this AP Ruijie will be offering Wi-Fi network with the segment mentioned above.

1. Topology

The following image shows the topology for this scenario, where we connect the Ruijie AP directly to the home network. We also connected a computer to AP Ruijie by serial cable to verify the addressing taken by DHCP and access via the Web to configure the Wi-Fi network.

2. IP address configuration

After having the Ruijie AP connected to the network, we connected a computer to the AP by serial cable to verify its configuration and check what IP address it took from the Router.

Through the console cable, from the computer we access an SSH client like Putty and configure the port that corresponds to the serious cable. Being connected by console to the AP, we verify what IP address it is taking by DHCP through the command: show ip interface brief.

Knowing the IP of the AP Ruijie, we access via the Web, where initially the information of CPU, RAM memory, AP information and traffic information will appear.

Then we proceed to change the IP Address to indicated in the topology. In the left panel we look for the Advanced option and then we choose the VLAN option.

In the default VLAN we press the Edit button. In IP Source we choose the Configuration option and then we put the IP address We save changes.

3. Setting an SSID

For this scenario, we are going to configure a wireless network that will be called WIFI-RUIJIE. This SSID will be based on the same local network that the topology indicates. To create an SSID, in the Web interface we look for the Network option in the left panel and then we choose the WiFi / WLAN option.

Then we proceed to add an SSID where it will be called WIFI-RUIJIE. The encryption will be WPA2-PSK with the password Admin12345. Finally, we save changes.

4. Wireless connection test

To verify that the network we created is working properly, we will do a connectivity test using two phones. Next, two phones are shown successfully connecting to the WiFi network created in the Ruijie AP.

In the AP Ruijie Dashboard, we verify that the two users (Phones) are connected and the network traffic is reflected.

Likewise, in the User Info option we can see the basic information of the users connected to the WiFi such as their MAC, IP address, duration of the connection, speed, channel and the network where they are connected.

Humberto Villanueva 2020/11/05 01:09