Creating And Adding External Mount Disk On SonicWall Analytics


This documents helps to Create and Add External mount disk for SonicWall Analytics


1.- Login to ESXi Console and select the Analytics VM and right click select Edit Settings

NOTE: It is recommended to allocate disk capacity as per license. Also make sure that free disk space is available in VM datastore.

1.- Now power on Analytics VM in vSphere and below message will show up on Console screen. Initial boot-up may take 5 to 10 minutes.

1.- After bootup following screen will show up, double-click on the orange-brown Management Console screen.

In Management Console, use keyboard arrow keys and select Storage in the Menu and press Enter

Now in main Storage screen use arrow key to select Add Storage, select Yes and press Enter to Confirm

Now insert 4 digit number for key (for encryption) and note it down for later use. press Enter to Confirm

NOTE: The Encryption key will help secure storage and needed to re-configure storage.

1.- Once Confirmed, disk encryption will start as shown below and ‘Mount storage’ option will appear

1.- Click Enter and provide the encryption key (recorded earlier) and now you will get below pop-up

1.- Select Yes and press Enter again to Confirm and machine will Reboot.

2.- After reboot, again open Management Console and navigate to the Network Interface in the Menu and press Enter and select ens160.

3.- By default DHCP is enabled so it will automatically get the Network Interface config and show up as below.

4.- If DHCP is not available or want to use Static IP, use arrow keys to Disable DHCP and provide Network config i.e. IP address, Netmask, Gateway, DNS.

5.- Take note of the IP address to access On-Premises Analytics instance.