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  • 3C35100
  • CoreBuilder 3500 Extended Software
  • Flash


  • System fails to boot after upgrading from version 1.0.0 to 2.0.2


The following procedure describes the Recovery of the Software:

CB3500 - software recovery for SW ver 1.0 only. Network boot, (Code to DRam)

  1. Connect a Server to the Out Of Band port and boot CB3500
  2. CTRL/X and Enter twice during the boot sequence , the following
prompt will show
CoreBuilder Boot> ? (to list commands)
Corebuilder Boot> c (to enter boot controls)
- ip -address of OOB port (Network address must be in the range of
servers address)
- subnet mask (must be in the range of servers address)
- boot flag - 0x130000 (loads SW to DRam)
- primary boot source - Network (select Network to download from
- filename (enter Path and File name)
- host ip
- transfer mechanism (TFTP or FTP)
- prompts for user name and password (FTP only)
Corebuilder Boot> r (reboot the CB3500)
Code now downloads to DRam from Out Of Band port , after this
operation make sure to
copy the SW into flash via the CB3500 menu
Reset the primary boot source back to load from flash.
As before up to :
Corebuilder Boot> c (set parameters back to original)
-boot flag 0x130000
 - primary boot source - Flash (set boot source pointer to flash)
Corebuilder Boot> r (reboot system)
Software recovery procedure for SW ver 1.1 , 1.1.1 and 1.2.0 only.
CoreBuilder 3500 (rev 0.0) - System ID 405300
Extended Software
Version 1.1.1 - Built 05/19/98 07:01:35 PM
  1. Connect a Server to the Out Of Band port and boot CB3500
  2. Press the enter key during the boot sequence , the following
prompt will show

CoreBuilder Boot> set
CoreBuilder Boot Menu
display Display current boot parameters
primary Set primary boot source
Usage: primary <flash | network>
flags Set boot flags
Usage: flags <hexValue>
network Network parameters menu
.. Back to previous menu
? Show menu
CoreBuilder Boot> set> primary
Usage: primary <flash | network>
CoreBuilder Boot> set> network
CoreBuilder Boot Menu
display Display current boot parameters
systemIp Set system IP address
Usage: systemIp <ipAddress>

subnetMask Set IP subnet mask
Usage: subnetMask <subnet>
gateway Set default gateway address
Usage: gateway <ipAddress>
hostIp Set host IP address
Usage: hostIp <ipAddress>
filename Set boot file name
Usage: filename <file>
.. Back to previous menu
? Show menu
CoreBuilder Boot> set> network> display
CoreBuilder Boot Parameters
Primary Boot Source: flash
Secondary Boot Source: network
Network Boot Parameters
System IP Address:
IP Subnet Mask:
Gateway IP Address:
Host IP Address:
Boot file name:
Boot Flags: 0x21B0000
CoreBuilder Boot>reboot (Code now downloads to DRam from Out
Of Band port)

David Gonzalez 2021/04/13 16:01

3com/corebuilder/configuration/how_to_recover_from_corrupted_flash.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/13 16:08 by dgonzalez

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