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The following are the steps to configure LAN and WAN interfaces:

To view path configuration use the command

showd or show -path conf   "You can view physical parameters in each path"

view path layout use

showd or show -path layout   	  
"here you can view physical connectors and relationship with
numbers used by configuration process."

To view port configuration use:

showd or show -port conf	"You can view protocols and status of connection."


setd !x -ip netaddr=Y.X.Z.W  mask=	
"You define IP address and netmask for this LAN interface."
"Here mask is is an example."
setd !x -path control=enable				
"Where x is number of path LAN, you can do a reset of this path."
setd !y -port control=enable				
"Where y is number of port LAN, careful because path number "
not always is same port number.

Physical WAN:

setd !z -path baud=64		"This command set up informational parameter about band width, the real clock"
depends of DCE. Here 64 is an example.
setd !z -path clock=external				"This command enables interface to receive clock from DCE."
setd !z -path linetype=auto				"This command enables router to detect line type"
setd !z -path control=enable				"This command enables the path and it produce that changes" 
take effect. z is path number.

Logical WAN with PPP:

setd !w -port owner=ppp				
"This command set up ppp protocol to port identifies with w number, w is port associated with z path."
setd !w -port control=enable				
"This command enables port and it porduce that changes in port take effect."

Logical WAN with PPP:

setd !w -port owner=ppp				
"This command set up ppp protocol to port identifies with w 
number, w is port associated with z path."
setd !w -port control=enable				
"This command enables port and it porduce that changes in 
port take effect."

IP in WAN interface:

setd !w -ip netaddr=X.Y.Z.W  mask=	
"This command defines IP address for this WAN port, the mask is only an example.
setd !w -port control=enable				
"This command enables port and it lets that the change 
takes effect."

Enable Routing and define RIP routing protocol:

setd -ip control=enable				"This command enables routing in your NB II."
setd !w -ripip control=(talk,listen)			"This command enables RIP protocol in port w."

I want that this configuration would be useful. Please let me know your opinion and questions about it.

David Gonzalez 2021/04/10 09:15

3com/router/netbuilder/configuration/ppp_and_ethernet_to_netbuilder.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 09:17 by dgonzalez

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