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  • How to upgrade the Access Point via DOS TFTP
  • Failed to upgrade web file correctly
  • Cannot access web management interface of the Access Point
  • Unable to upgrade the Access Point


  • Windows NT
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • 3CRWE20096A
  • 3CRWE60092A
  • 3CRWE80096A
  • Access Point 2000
  • Access Point 6000
  • Access Point 8000
  • Can ping IP address of Access Point

Fix: It is recommended to upgrade the Access Point via a cabled connection.

If the web file upgrade has failed, the only way to send the web file and firmware file is by using DOS TFTP commands assuming you can still ping the Access Point). Follow the steps below:

1. In a DOS command window, change the directory to the one where you have saved the Access Point upgrade files and perform the following commands:

tftp -i <IP address of Access Point> put <file system filename> private/fs

tftp -i <IP address of Access Point> put <operational code filename> private 

NOTE: When entering the IP address of the Access Point, do not include the <> brackets. Likewise, do not include the <> brackets around the file names of the firmware files. Be sure that “private/fs” and “private” are in lower-case letters, as it is case-sensitive.

2. Once the second file transfer is complete, it is recommended that the Access Point be power cycled.

Fix: NOTE: TFTP.exe is not a component of Win9x-based systems (this includes Windows Millennium (Me) Edition).

David Gonzalez 2021/04/06 11:41

3com/wireless/ap/configuration/how_to_upgrade_the_access_point_via_tftp_using_dos.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/06 11:42 by dgonzalez

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