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Problem Description : Error: The device is not in the current IRF

  • Product Model # : 4800G
  • Software / Firmware version : 5.20 2202
  • Fact : Attempting to add an IRF device to a stack, that was previously configured or misconfigured.

1.- Resetting the device back to factory defaults does not remove the IRF number

ERROR: The device is not in the current IRF.

Unable to add a new device to an IRF Stack

Cause : If a device has been previously configured with an incorrect member ID or does not match the stack member ID, the new device will not synchronize with the existing stack.

Fix : Use the following command to determine the current Member ID

4800G]dis irf conf 

 MemberID     NewID     IRF-Port1       IRF-Port2 

  *4                     4           1                         2 


* indicates the device is the master.

+ indicates the device through which the user logs in.

Undo irf member 4 renumber 

Undo irf member 4 irf-port 1 

Undo irf member 4 irf-port 2 
4800G]dis irf conf 

 MemberID     NewID     IRF-Port1       IRF-Port2 

  *4                     1          disable             disable 

* indicates the device is the master.

+ indicates the device through which the user logs in.



Then issue the commands

Irf member 1 renumber 3 

Irf member 1 irf-port 1 port 1 

Irf member 1 irf-port 2 port 2 



Connect the new unit to the IRF Stack.

hpe/switch/4800/irf/error_the_device_is_not_in_the_current_irf.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/10 16:21 by dgonzalez

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