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FAQ about Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC)

Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration

Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) establishes security settings that define how users browse the internet and intranet websites. These settings also reduce the exposure of servers to websites that might present a security risk. This process is also known as IEHarden. For more information, see Internet Explorer: .Enhanced Security Configuration

Original product version: Internet Explorer Original KB number: 4551931

The default setting for Internet Explorer ESC

This feature is enabled by default on servers.

The effects of enabling Internet Explorer ESC

Internet Explorer ESC adjusts the Internet Explorer extensibility and security settings to reduce exposure to possible future security threats. These settings are on the Advanced tab of Internet Options in Control Panel. The following table describes the settings.

These changes reduce the functionality in webpages, web-based applications, local network resources, and applications that use a browser to display online help, support, and general user assistance.

How to turn off Internet Explorer ESC on Windows servers

To turn off Internet Explorer ESC, follow these steps:

1. Enter Server Manager in Windows search to start Server manager application.

2. Select Local Server.

3. Navigate to the IE Enhanced Security Configuration property, select the current setting to open the property page, select the Off option button for the desired users, and then select OK.

4. Select the Refresh icon on the Server Manager toolbar to see the new settings reflected in the server manager.

The following video demonstrates this procedure

For more information, see Manage the Local Server and the Server Manager Console.

microsoft/faq_about_internet_explorer_enhanced_security_configuration_esc.1627603889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/29 19:11 by aperez

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