- NBX 100: How to Disable Paging per Phone
- User requires paging to individual phones be disabled
- Paging to phone be disabled
- Disable paging
- No paging allowed on phone
- No paging
Facts: Duplicate solution
- NBX 100
- NBX Phones
- NBX 1102 Business Phone 10 Mb
- NBX pcXset
Fixes: Procedure for disabling paging on a per phone basis:
1. Bring up NetSet
2. Go to Tab To It
3. Go to the Device Configuration section
4. Select the Telephones tab
5. Select the telephone to be modified by highlighting the extension number. This is done by clicking one time on the extension number.
6. Select modify
7. Click one time on the box labeled Paging Output Disabled, located in the lower right of the screen.
8. Click the ok button. This will disable the paging output of the individual phone.
The phone will still be able to initiate pages, it will just not receive them.
- Product(s): NBX
- Sub Product(s): NBX 100, NBX Phones
— David Gonzalez 2021/04/12 10:08
telephony/nbx/configuration/how_to_disable_paging_per_phone.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/12 10:23 by dgonzalez